Getting all of the components together is vital when you are submitting a planning application, as is regular contact with the Council. We can handle all this for you!
It may sound straightforward, but in some cases submitting a planning application can often be quite complex. If you have sought pre-application advice this will have almost certainly have established exactly what is required to make sure the application is valid (remember, that if just one required item is missing, the Council will not accept your application). We can ensure that your application; a) is valid; and b) does your proposal the maximum credit.
There are a number of ways that Westward Planning can assist you in submitting a planning application.
- We can handle the entire application submission for you. That means doing all the work, completing the necessary forms, compiling the necessary planning and Design & Access Statements, making sure that all of the necessary drawings and documents are included. We can commission Architects to do drawings, contract the necessary specialists for detailed work (for example Flood Risk Assessments) and project manage the entire process for you, dealing with the Council and of their requirements, and speaking at Planning Committee if needed.
- We can also offer the service of providing certain elements to feed into a planning application. You may prefer to handle the application yourself, it may be the case that an Architect is submitting the application for you but you wish for a planning argument to accompany the application. No problems; we can be commissioned to compile detailed planning and Design & Access Statements for you, or assist with any part of the planning process as you require.
Whichever you choose, you can be assured that Westward Planning has the experience to handle and steer your proposal to a conclusion in a positive manner in a way that works with all the necessary parties.
To discuss how Westward Planning can help you in submitting your application and how we can assist with your requirements please do not hesitate to contact us here and we will be pleased to get in touch with you.
We look forward to hearing from you!